Björk Digital Essential Information
What time should I arrive? Is there an age limit?
What time should I arrive? Is there an age limit?
Jasmine van den Bogaerde, better known by her stage name BIRDY, signed to Atlantic Records at just 14 and bewitched the nation with her cover of Bon Iver’s Skinny Love.
American singer, songwriter and actress. Jones has won nine Grammy Awards and sold more than 50 million albums worldwide.
Join us for a panel on sonic art practices with CRISAP members Jennifer Lucy Allan, Mark Peter Wright and Kevin Logan.
Workshop exploring many different ways to create sounds from scratch.
Learn what it takes to make a zine and create your own with a screen printed cover led by OOMK.
Learn what it takes to make a zine and create your own with a screen printed cover led by OOMK.
The place where professional artists of all kinds can come to be amateurs.
Join Music Hackspace and Sound and Music at this free edit-a-thon event, raising the profile of women in the British Music Collection – the UK’s national archive for new music.
TidalCycles meetups are a series of informal, participatory meetups focusing on Alex Mclean’s open source, accessible livecoding platform.
TidalCycles meetups are a series of informal, participatory meetups focusing on Alex Mclean’s open source, accessible livecoding platform.
A special matinee edition of the lively talks series.
Artist Jade Montserrat joins Erica Scourti in conversation.
The film of Roy Gurvitz, who invented the Lost Vagueness area at Glastonbury and who, as Michael Eavis says, reinvigorated the festival.
TidalCycles meetups are a series of informal, participatory meetups focusing on Alex Mclean’s open source, accessible livecoding platform.
Artist Fee A dedicated mentor from the Somerset House Studios community Eligibility This opportunity is ...
Nabihah Iqbal invites historian and BBC presenter David Olusoga to talk share and discuss the music that is most important to him.
A celebration of the work of Mark Fisher.
Composer and cellist in residence for Somerset House Studios’ ASSEMBLY series.