Somerset House Studios: January- April 2018
Somerset House Studios' latest series of events
Somerset House Studios' latest series of events
Celebrating the 500th anniversary of Thomas More’s influential text
About Somerset House Studios.
searching for such records, please find contact details below which we hope will be of use: Births, ...
Illustrator Sophia Ward leads an afternoon of imaginative exploration.
Chairman of the Syngenta Photography Award jury in conversation with the finalists
Eat Your Own Ears has built an enviable reputation for identifying potential talent, building the live profiles of the emerging artists it promotes.
Talk featuring Rob Orchard, co-founder and editorial director of the Slow Journalism Company, the publisher of Delayed Gratification magazine.
Album Corp will be hosting a futuristic afterschool club with a sound piece incorporating the themes from The Foxy Five tv show with some special extras.
A night of installation, music and performance investigating notions of desire on the dance floor.
Exhibition exploring the ways in which Graeco-Roman art has captured and permeated the modern imagination.
New and rarely seen works from internationally renowned South African artist Athi-Patra Ruga.
Evoking a jungle meander, this immersive installation invites visitors to get lost in a raw art ambience.
Somalia’s exhibition traces the history of Somali architecture before and after the civil war.
Moscow Design Museum Director Alexandra Sankova and Development Director Olga Druzhinina return to Somerset House.
Makerversity explores how we can challenge technology’s social impact on health, wellness and human interaction.
Learn more about fashion designer Bethany William's innovative and inclusive project All Our Children in this special online Q&A on Earth Day.
Join repair expert Shelley Zetuni as she demonstrates how to create a patterned darn.
Explore dough and the finished bread in this multi-sensory experience.
Loop is a service platform which enables creatives to network, collaborate and generate revenue in Music. Our main aim is to put executive ownership back into the creative’s hands.