Tue 11 Sep 2018

Highlights from LDB2016: Discovering Utopia – Lost Archives of Soviet Design

Tue 11 Sep 2018
Screening Room
South Wing

After the success of the Russian Pavilion at the London Design Biennale 2016, when it was awarded with the Utopia Medal, Moscow Design Museum Director Alexandra Sankova and Development Director Olga Druzhinina return to Somerset House. 

Moscow Design Museum presents their latest research, culminating in the film ‘DISCOVERING UTOPIA’ and the book ‘VNIITE – DISCOVERING UTOPIA: LOST ARCHIVES OF SOVIET DESIGN’.

Through some of the most compelling examples of utopian Soviet design, the project tells the forgotten stories of the VNIITE – the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics formed in the USSR in 1962, which was once the head organization for the nationwide design system.

The Moscow Design Museum is the only museum in Russia specifically dedicated to design. So far, the museum has successfully organized exhibition projects in some of the most prominent spaces both in Russia, including the Central Exhibition Hall “Manege” and the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, and abroad.