For the third event in the Sound Salon series, Zabludowicz Collection's Maitreyi Maheshwari will be in conversation with Jennifer Walshe.
Sound has been central to post internet visual art from the very beginning, from Abe Linkoln and Marissa Olson’s Abe and Mo Sing the Blogs through Cory Arcangel’s reworkings of Schoenberg’s piano pieces. Maitreyi Maheshwari, Programme Director at the Zabludowicz Collection has worked closely with artists such as Lizzie Fitch/Ryan Trecartin, Donna Huanca and Jon Rafman (whose most recent show featured a collaboration with Oneohtrix Point Never). Maitreyi and Jennifer Walshe will discuss the role of sound in current visual arts practice.
Maitreyi Maheshwari has worked with the Zabludowicz Collection since 2007, initially responsible for the public programme. Since 2014 she has overseen the programme of exhibitions, residencies and events across all locations. She previously worked on the Interaction programme at Artangel and the Youth programme at Tate Modern. She has a degree in History of Art from Edinburgh University and a research masters in Humanities and Cultural Studies from the London Consortium, Birkbeck College.
About Sound Salon
Artists have been working with the internet for decades but until recently, archives and critical writing have focused on visual cultures. This series aims to fuel critical discussion, new vocabulary and analysis in sound and music, supporting communities and practitioners in these fields to understand how the internet - and new technology more broadly - is shaping the field.
Together with artist Holly Herndon, Jennifer launched the project Post-Internet Sound in 2015. A crowdsourced database of sound and music works, the site is open access and welcomes both academic and non-academic contributions, be it in the form of writing or a source of sound. Anyone can contribute via Google docs.