Somerset House Studios

Grounding Practice: Jenna Sutela

Tue 01 Mar
18.00 - 19.30 (GMT)

An online artist talk with Jenna Sutela.

In her presentation for Grounding Practice, Jenna Sutela will share some of her ongoing artistic research on biological and computational systems. A lot of Sutela's recent work looks at, or looks for ghosts in intelligent machines. On the one hand, the work is about getting in touch with the nonhuman condition of the computers that function as our interlocutors and infrastructure, shaping our reality. On the other hand, it is about the computers getting in touch with the more-than-human world around them. Another focus are the invisible organic lifeforms that govern our lives through, for example, the gut-brain connection. At the core of Sutela's practice, there is a renunciation of anthropocentric hierarchies and an orientation towards decentralized forms of intelligence and organization as well as interspecies symbiosis.

Please note that Jenna Sutela's online talk will not be archived or be available to watch beyond the advertised live moment.

This Grounding Practice talk has been programmed in conjunction with Amplify Digital Arts Initiative (DAI) 2022, an online programme bringing together an international network of female-identifying and non-binary artists and professionals working within the fields of digital arts and electronic music, produced in partnership with British Council, MUTEK, Oi Futuro and Artlab.

About Jenna Sutela

Jenna Sutela works with words, sounds, and other living media, such as Bacillus subtilis nattō bacteria, the “many-headed” slime mold Physarum polycephalum, and artificial neural networks. Her audiovisual pieces, sculptures, and performances seek to identify and react to precarious social and material moments, often in relation to technology. Sutela’s work has been presented at museums and art contexts internationally, including Guggenheim Bilbao, Moderna Museet, Serpentine Galleries, and, most recently, Shanghai Biennale and Liverpool Biennial. She was a Visiting Artist at The MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST) in 2019-21.