Somerset House Studios

Forest Fringe: Opening Night Double Bill

Simone Kenyon & Neil Callaghan and Augusto Corrieri

Fri 09 Dec 2016
River Rooms
New Wing

A double-bill of short works about collision, collapse, memory, history and survival.

Simone Kenyon & Neil Callaghan - Someone Something Someone

The world is in a constant state of flux. Two bodies engage in a delicate physical activity, striving to become something other than a body: material, force, a single organism. Colliding, pushing, pressing, mingling, uniting. A sculptural and minimal performance that entices the audience into the details of micro-movement.

Augusto Corrieri - In Place of a Show (A Lecture)

In place of a show is a series of lecture-works exploring four theatre buildings around the world. Turning attention away from the human element (the work of performers, artists, audiences, architects, etc), the lectures focus on the buildings themselves: theatres stripped of their primary purpose, lying empty, preserved as museums, or demolished. When the human element no longer dominates the space, non-human elements take centre stage: curtains, seats, balconies, doors, as well as animals, insects, air currents, dust.