Credit: win new Banner Repeater ltd edition fundraiser C-Type print: Deeper into the Pyramid, production still: Smart Baby by Melanie Jackson. Deeper into the Pyramid will be exhibited at Banner Repeater in May 2018
Somerset House Studios

Banner Repeater 2017 Party: Benedict Drew and Chooc Ly Tan

Wed 08 Nov 2017
19.00 - 23.00
Free Entry - First Come, First Served
Snooker Rooms
New Wing

Somerset House Studios is delighted to host Banner Repeater, celebrating seven years of artistic experimentation at Hackney Downs Station.

‘Banner Repeater redefines what galleries can do. Nurturing the quieter parts, the riskier parts, the parts in-between and what’s missing, it’s not only an art-place, it’s also a conversational and social nerve-centre’.
                        Heather Phillipson, Artist and poet. 

Artist-led spaces like Banner Repeater play an essential role in the vitality and ecology of the art world, offering alternative opportunities for emerging and established artists alike, to produce work that might struggle to appear elsewhere. Since 2010, they’ve supported and presented new work by hundreds of artists, several of whom are now resident at Somerset House Studios.

Having developed successful new partnerships with Transport for London, and Arriva Rail, to ensure a sustainable future for the project on platform 1, Hackney Downs train Station, the celebration is timely, and marks the launch of their first Local Giving fundraising scheme on 17 October.

Entry to the party is by donation with a complimentary raffle ticket for the prize draw to be pulled on the night, with artworks by artists Yuri Pattison, Jenna Sutela, Melanie Jackson, Zarina Muhammad, Anne de Boer and more, to win. Donation does not guarantee entry, and raffle tickets will be available for purchase on the night. For more information, see

Image: Win new Banner Repeater ltd edition fundraiser C-Type print: Deeper into the Pyramid, production still: Smart Baby by Melanie Jackson. Deeper into the Pyramid will be exhibited at Banner Repeater in May 2018.