Bethany believes that social and environmental issues go hand in hand and through exploring the connection between these issues we may find innovative design solutions to sustainability. Fashion and textiles encompasses all industries – from agriculture to communication – and has a huge impact on the planet as a global force with incredible influence.
During this masterclass participants are introduced to thinking about how contemporary design can be used to create change in our world and society through treating the industry as an entire system, having a 360- degree approach, rather than as one aspect of our lives. Inviting us to step up from discussions representing political and social issues, to appreciate our capacity for growth and change by actually “doing things” in the world.
We’ll combine slow processes of hand weaving, collage and embroidered text using book waste from Hachette publishers, airing ideas on fast production, lifecycles and our own timely talking points. Taking to the loom to collectively weave our statements for change to document and take away, we re-purpose the publications to publish our own ideas to act on.