Björk Digital Essential Information
What time should I arrive? Is there an age limit?
What time should I arrive? Is there an age limit?
This is an informal, participatory meetup focusing on Max MSP.
Everything you need to know.
Join us as we work with Rachel Ilan Simpson developing ‘Your Creative Ideas’.
of photography. For the 2022 edition, there is a mixture of online and on-site talks. On-site talk ... tickets do not include admission to the Fair, you must have a day ticket to attend the talk. All on ... motivational method translating to ‘Continuous improvement’. In this talk Jeaniq will take listeners on ...
Cannes prize-winning The Cinema Travellers is a journey with the traveling cinemas of India, which bring the wonder of the movies to faraway villages annually.
Who is performing and who has power? Rhea Storr examines the way in which authority is claimed and power is subverted through Black culture and carnival.
For Earth Day 2018 we bring together a range of activities and talks exploring the future of our lives in the city.
presents his engaging and practical workshop on how to develop a sustainable creative practise to pay your ... co-production and co-creation, that expand the audience reach If you would like to keep up to update with ... Internal Entity: Public Programme Our Public Programme’s is delivered by focusing on the unique and ...
Writer and artist working in literary fiction, performance, collage and installation.
This is an informal, participatory meetup focusing on the visual programming environments Max MSP and Pure Data (Pd). A place to share knowledge, patches and ideas relating to visual programming.
An insightful seminar from Andrew Weil, M.D., world-renowned leader and pioneer in the field of integrative medicine.
Leeds-based artist Simeon Barclay ruminates on how art has helped him understand his place in the world
Skate Lates with UNIQLO feature an extra special series of music nights throughout the season for the perfect start to your weekend.
Photography, lost property, baby-changing facilities, cloakrooms and more.
this extraordinary hive of energy and creativity. There are many ways to work from Somerset House, and ... WORK FROM SOMERSET HOUSE There are currently over 130 Arts & Creative Enterprises which have ... community on our diverse and dynamic cultural programme. We are therefore looking for companies that are ...
Brought to you by Canon, this immersive, first-of-its kind photography exhibition enables everyone – blind, partially sighted and sighted visitors – to experience imagery in an entirely new way.
Hotline/chatline/in-conversation connected/selected by Jamila Johnson-Small and Sara Sassanelli.
Resident members of our Creative Careers Academy present an evening of sensory experiences in response to the exhibition.
A young woman is on the run through Berlin in this thriller that’s shot in a single take and unfolds on-screen in real-time, without cuts.