Tom Misch (Live) + Very Special Guests
The last 12 months have seen the singer songwriter Tom Misch go from bedroom producer to gaining a reputation as one of the UK’s most hotly tipped new acts.
The last 12 months have seen the singer songwriter Tom Misch go from bedroom producer to gaining a reputation as one of the UK’s most hotly tipped new acts.
In support Makerversity's Civic Hack, Aesthetica Short Film Festival have curated a unique reel focusing on reimagining themes of protest & activism in the contemporary sphere.
For the second performance night of the series, Nabihah invites Khyam Allami to play special sets designed specifically for the Rifle Range at Somerset House.
An independent 19th century woman’s fearless attempt at self-expression lies at the heart of the great director Jane Campion’s sensual and visually striking period drama.
Vivienne Griffin kick starts the I Should Be Doing Something Else Right Now Live programme with a broadcast exploring themes of connection and commonalities.
Contribute to award-winning British fashion designer Bethany Williams' next fashion collection, as part of our ongoing project All Our Children.
ASSEMBLY artist in residence Loraine James talks artistic practice and process with DJ and curator Shannen SP.
Peckham based independent venue and record shop Rye Wax has assembled a line-up showcasing fresh, contemporary takes on classic UK fairground sounds.
Writer, director and moving image artist Akinola Davies Jr. hosts a creative show and tell
The Anglo-American trio are here to testify with their dazzling vision of spiritual, cinematic soul-pop.
A large scale new commission from Hong-Kong based artist Zheng Bo, transforming our courtyard into a bamboo garden.
Earth Day Submitted by escott on Tue, 02/05/2017- 13:21 Western Flag Explore John Gerrard's Earth ... April 2017, standing as a symbol of climate change and modern society’s dependence on oil. "The ... Lucas Gusher on Spindletop, Texas in 1901. More oil flowed from this well than all fields in the US at ...
Listen to the second episode in a new podcast series for Somerset House Studios
Curtis Oland is part of a movement of indigenous designers from Canada. He was raised in Western Canada and his memories of its mountainous landscape are a continual source of inspiration.
Ami is a jeweller based in Nairobi. She brings her technical training and curiosity about local materials together to create sculptural pieces.
The Plain Shop is a lifestyle brand with a focus on simplicity, sustainability and inclusivity with a range of minimalist Sustainable Streetwear and diverse gifts.
Get a first-hand insight into the world of magazine publishing with our Print! Tearing It Up exhibition podcast series.
standard. Rob Mills, Managing Director of Light Motif said, “we pride ourselves on providing a discreet and ... a full-service production company, Light Motif can provide whatever the occasion requires on top of the initial ... best of what is available.” Light Motif Body 2.jpg On top of the new AV offering, our onsite caterer, ...
In this Grounding Practice workshop with Kaiya Waerea, participants will use image making, collage and assemblage to construct constellations of crip futurity.
With funding from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation we are conducting an evaluation study of our inclusive talent programmes and are seeking an evaluation partner to steer this programme.