Former Somerset House Studios resident


OOMK (one of my kind) is an art publishing collective run by Sofia Niazi, Rose Nordin and Heiba Lamara.

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

Together, they produce OOMK zine, a biannual publication focused on women, art and activism as well as various art publications prompted by collective research. OOMK curate and programme publishing events and discussions with a particular interest in arts for social practice, alternative education and centring marginalised voices through print and small press. Founded in 2016, they also run Rabbits Road Press - a community printing press in Newham, East London. 

OOMK plays an active role part in London’s small-press publishing community: as well as producing the printed zine and running a collective, they host regular creative events in the city. 


Whilst in residence, OOMK will be focused on producing two "Independence" themed publications, and curating events and discussions related to self publishing throughout the year.