Aziza Kadyri - Uzbekistan Pavillion, credit Ivan Erofeev
Somerset House Studios resident

Aziza Kadyri

Multidisciplinary artist working with installations, textile, immersive digital tech, and performance. Based between London, UK, and Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

Aziza Kadyri’s artistic practice is defined by a fusion of collaboration and interdisciplinary methodologies that drive the creation of both physical and digital immersive experiences. Central to her work is a deep-seated interest in participatory practices within local communities, which led her to co-found Qizlar Collective, a grassroots feminist group rooted in principles of intersectionality and social change.


Don't Miss The Cue, 2024, Uzbekistan National Pavilion commissioned by ACDF, 60th Venice Biennale, photo: Ivan Erofeev
Don't Miss The Cue, 2024, Uzbekistan National Pavilion commissioned by ACDF, 60th Venice Biennale, photo: Ivan Erofeev

In her projects, Kadyri explores themes of migration, displacement, social invisibility, identity, decolonisation, and the loss of language. Her work integrates XR, AR, VR, and AI technologies to enhance artistic research and facilitate deeper interactions with activist and socially engaged practices. She seeks innovative ways to engage with cultural heritage, particularly textiles and costumes traditionally labelled as ‘feminine.’ By leveraging these technologies, Kadyri reimagines traditional narratives, making them relevant to contemporary female experiences and participating in a process of alternative mythmaking.


Aziza Kadyri, 9 Moons
Aziza Kadyri, 9 Moons

Kadyri represented Uzbekistan at the 60th Venice Biennale Arte with the project ‘Don't Miss the Cue’. Her work has been shown at KINDL Centre for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Germany (2024); Delfina Foundation, London, UK (2024); nGbK/Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin, Germany (2023); Schloss Biesdorf, Berlin, Germany (2023), Prague Quadrennial of Performance Design (2023), and Athens Digital Arts Festival (2021, 2022) among others.


Her Stage (II)The New Subject. Mutating Rights and Conditions of Living Bodies, 2024. Photo: Fabian Brennecke

During her residency at Somerset House Studios, Aziza will focus on her research on using technology to reimagine cultural heritage and untold stories.