In the last year, we’ve brought together a community of artists. It’s a community that’s international, culturally diverse and, we feel, truly representative of the best work being made in London right now. Over 75 artists and their teams have been welcomed into the former Inland Revenue building as residents and collaborators, and we’re in the early stages of a programme, devised with those artists, putting nightlife, subcultures, community, activism, technology and experimental work at the heart.
We’ve been to Sonar in Barcelona, Mutek in Montreal and next month, to Peru, where three residents will begin an ongoing exchange between practitioners in London and Lima. Regular critical salons have seen composer Jennifer Walshe explore the impact of hip-hop memes on sound art, design studio Superflux debate future models of power and Music Hackspace platform artists working with software and electronics. A new, annual partnership with King’s College London has also enabled artists and academics to collaborate, researching topics from black queer club spaces and consent, to the ongoing refugee crisis.