Delayed Gratification, the slow journalism magazine, launched in January 2011 with the aim of giving a more considered perspective on big events than that offered by the 24/7 news media. In that period the publication has reported on uprisings and protests across the world, from Tahrir Square to Black Lives Matter, mixing on-the-ground insight with expert analysis. In this one hour introduction to the subject, Rob will pull out some of the biggest stories and themes covered by the magazine to give an overview of what protest looks like in the 21st century - and where it may be headed in coming years.
Rob Orchard is the co-founder and editorial director of the Slow Journalism Company, the publisher of Delayed Gratification magazine, which revisits the events of the preceding quarter after the dust has settled and makes a virtue of being "Last to Breaking News". The publication is a labour of love that's designed to offer an antidote to PR-driven stories, knee-jerk reactions and churnalism.
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