Academics and artists work together to offer new perspectives on urgent contemporary issues?
Somerset House Studios and King’s College London announce a new partnership in the form of Arts in Society. The first year of the programme sees six Studio residents receive funding to collaborate with a researcher from King's in exploring new perspectives on urgent contemporary social issues. Studios recipients of the 2017 awards are: Burton Nitta; Deborah Pearson; Evan Ifekoya; Imran Perretta; Phoebe Davies and Makerversity member Anne Frobeen, researching subjects as diverse as consent, migration and the politics of black queer sound. A series of events will encourage audiences to engage with the research throughout the autumn, with findings of all projects presented at a showing in December. The first of these events - The Filibuster by Deborah Pearson and Professor Anna Snaith - takes place Sat Sept 2.