Deborah-Joyce Holman
Somerset House Studios resident

Deborah-Joyce Holman

Multidisciplinary artist based between London, UK, and Basel, Switzerland.

Somerset House Studios
New Wing

Deborah-Joyce Holman's practice is concerned with the relationship between popular visual cultures and capital and the intertwined politics of representation. They are interested in the exploitative potential of how images collide with capital, and contrast this with approaches of artistic and cinematic subversion, repetition and refusal across media such as video, sculpture and painting.


Work has been exhibited internationally, most notable solo presentations include Kunsthalle Bern and Galerie Gregor Staiger, Zurich (both 2023); Cordova, Barcelona; Istituto Svizzero, Palermo; schwarzescafé, Luma Westbau, Zurich; Sentiment, Zurich (all 2022) and Cherish, Geneva (2021).

In 2023, they published 'Queen For A Day' with BookWorks London and Luma Westbau, which includes contributions by writers, curators and artists Olamiju Fajemisin, Cédric Fauq, Noémi Michel and Francis Whorrall-Campbell.

During their residency at Somerset House Studios, Deborah will continue their research into the mundane, politics of representation and modes of refusal, and expand on their painting practice and development of new moving image work.