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Engagement and Skills

The Somerset House Engagement and Skills team fosters collaboration between young people, our unique creative community and new audiences in order to co-produce original content that explores the world we live in. This enriching intergenerational, interdisciplinary skills and knowledge exchange creates new communities and networks whilst shaping the culture and creatives of tomorrow…

We open up our building and allow our young audience to directly engage with our creative community, discover new artists, be inspired. by our programme and the building itself, aiming to offer the space and tools for development while also providing access to a professional context and contacts.

We have three clear aims which all feed into programme for 16 – 30 year olds.

1) Nurturing Creativity  

Nurture the next generation of creatives, providing them with the skills and networks that Somerset House offers and equipping them for a changing world that doesn’t recognise arts forms in its traditional self.  

2) Relevance 

Build the reputation and the profile of the youth offer at Somerset House establishing it as a working arts for creatives aged 16 and up, pushing creative boundaries, tackling the important issues of today that bring in audiences 

3) Diversity and Inclusion  

Support a diverse cohort of young talent to access and feed into the contemporary cultural offer through co-production and co-creation, that expand the audience reach 

If you would like to keep up to update with Engagement & Skills activity and opportunities to take part at Somerset House please sign up for our newsletter.