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Music Studio Feedback Form
1. Did the induction cover everything you feel you needed to know to get started? If not, please specify what else would be needed to allow you to use the studio as you imagine in the future?
Further comments
2. How easy was it to book your induction & recording session?
Very easy
Further comments
3. How will you mostly use the recording studio?
Record vocals (for music)
Record vocals (for podcast/radio)
Record instruments
Mix audio
Test playback
Create audio tracks
Other (please specify)
If other please specify below
4. How often would you like to use the recording studio?
1-3 times per month
4-6 times per month
1-3 times quarterly
4-6 times quarterly
1-3 times biannually
4-6 times biannually
5. How long do you imagine a studio session needs to be?
Half a day (4 hours)
Full day (8 hours)
Less than half a day
More than a full day
6. What time of day are you likely to use the studio? (select all that apply)
Morning (10.00 - 13.00)
Afternoon (14.00 - 18.00)
Evening (18.30 - 22.00)
7. What would you say are the main benefits of having a Recording Studio at Somerset House?
8. Do you have any suggestions of what might improve the recording studio - new approaches or new ideas we could try?
9. What other equipment/ software would you like to see in the recording studio and please explain what this kit would enable that the current set up cannot currently deliver?
10. What is a reasonable price for using the recording studio per 4 hour session?
11. Any other comments...