Edible Utopia

Edible Utopia at Somerset House is an educational food growing project taking root in hidden and overlooked locations around the building over the next three years.

Formed during our Utopia 2016 season at Somerset House Edible Utopia Ltd. is a creative co-op comprised of artists Clare Patey, Jane Levi, Tim Mitchell, Sophie Mason and resident mycologist Darren Springer whose expertise and vision lie behind the project.

Alongside the ongoing experimental growing and collaboration there will be a continued programme of workshops  engaging young people with the processes of growing and establishing practical skills for use in the sustainable future of our city.

The project will also incorporate our wider cultural programme including collaborating with the creative community of Somerset House and working on community driven projects to improve the overall sustainability of our site.

Through using the historic idiosyncrasies of the architecture to create new ecological possibilities the project seeks to stimulate new ways of thinking, growing and eating through the creative cross-pollination of ideas.


Edible Utopia is supported by