A photo of Swarzy smiling with a microphone in her hand. She stands in front of a wall of framed photos of Black creatives at an exhibition created by Swarzy, entitled Too Much Source.

Upgrade Yourself: Inspiration | Going Live with Presenter & Broadcaster Swarzy Macaly

27 Jan 2021

Our first Upgrade Yourself: Inspiration of 2021 kicked-off with host and radio presenter Swarzy Macaly, who brought her undeniably contagious, positive energy with brilliant advice. Swarzy shared her career route so far, becoming a KISS Radio Presenter, voice of BBC Sounds, and even how she got on first-name terms with singer Craig David.

Swarzy shared her insight and personal stories on how she landed her first break, and unpacked how staying humble, modest, and down to earth helped her and could help you break into the creative industry. Swarzy’s session is packed with advice, top tips on how to stay cool under pressure, and the reminder to never change and always use our own voice; the secret to true authenticity and longevity in a career and audience in the long run.

As well as Swarzy’s work as a host across both radio and TV projects, at the heart of her values is the platform she founded and showcased in collaboration with Roundhouse, KISS, and BBC Creative in 2020: Too Much Source; a platform where she advocates for diversity and inclusion by supporting and celebrating creatives from the Black British community who are all making history today across various industries. 

We suggest you sit back, grab your pen and paper, and immerse yourself in Swarzy’s inspiring world and words.

Swarzy's P.L.A.N & Top Tips

P = Prayer & perserverance. When things go wrong, pray and keep going. It will work out!
L = Listen to the room, to your audience, and to your guests. Active listening helps you frame and ask better questions which will satisfy both your special guests and audience. Plus, good energy makes everyone feel welcome and included in the conversation
A = Abandon. Be prepared to abandon the route you are taking during an interview if your guest and/or audience are taking it in a different direction. Make a plan, but hold it loosely because live events feed off of spontaneity! A good host will always go with the flow.
N = Nap. Normalise rest in between your busy schedule. After every event, take stock to evaluate what went well and what could be improved next time round. Remember self-care as it will do you wonders in the long run!

  • Be present and in the moment
  • Remain humble and be collaborative with those around you. If you need advice or help, don’t be afraid to reach out to others. Kill your pride with humility, and watch how your ideas come together in ways you never expected!
  • To be the best host you can be, it’s your job to warm the room – say hi to your guests, help them find their seats, make friends with the security guard! Setting the mood of the room will result in excellent events that encourage people to come back again.
  • Crush your nerves by taking notes! Make paper & pen your best friend and stay on top of your thoughts.
  • Preparation is key.
  • Find your creative family, create work with friends and collaborators.
  • Always evaluate yourself to improve, keep reflecting and grow.

Stay in touch with Swarzy