As part of our ongoing collaborations with the network of Somerset House Studios artists we worked with residents Werkflow and a group of young people on the Physical x Digital Sculpture project late last year.
As part of our ongoing collaborations with the network of Somerset House Studios artists we worked with residents Werkflow and a group of young people on the Physical x Digital Sculpture project late last year.
Werkflow is a digital arts studio that use 3D rendering, computer game’s engines and VR software to create a range of works including music videos, live performance visuals and games. Using a blend of hyper realistic simulations and CGI effects to create striking, unnerving videos their experimental, versatile approach and use of new technologies made them ideal collaborators for our audience.
A group of young people with an interest in the arts and emerging technologies were invited from a range of youth networks across London to attend the two day workshop based within Werkflow’s studio. First the group visited the Courtauld Gallery’s Rodin and Dance: The Essence of Movement exhibition for inspiration before heading back to the studio and creating their own experimental plasticine sculpture maquettes.
The Werkflow team ran 3D scans of the finished models which were then digitally rendered and uploaded to a virtual reality engine. Looking back through the history of sculpture at clay, classical marble, bronzes and reflective metallics the group then transformed their individual digital models into the substance of their choosing. Finally as a group considering the lighting, scale and placement of each object in relation to each other they curated their own virtual gallery space together.
As well as learning technical skills, exploring contextual references and working collaboratively the groups work is now showcased on Werkflow’s website and downloadable as a resource in which visitors can roam the gallery, view the artworks and if the mood takes them, destroy the artworks with their own hands (VR only). This virtual gallery hosting the digital group show and showcasing the participants sculptures in all their glory is available to download here.
The participants for this workshop were 16 – 21 year olds were invited through a range of organisations and networks that we work with across London. If you would like to receive information on future opportunities please do get in touch via learning.bookings@somersethouse.org.uk
This workshop was supported by the Harold and Daphne Cooper Charitable Trust.