To coincide with Earth Day 2018, we erected Michael Pinsky's innovative immersive installation Pollution Pods in our courtyard. Using technology by Airlabs, the work simulates the sensation of air pollution levels of five global cities. Sitting in one of the most polluted areas of London, the company's CEO Sophie Power gives 10 practical tips for reducing your exposure to harmful pollutants in the city.
1. Take care when cooking
Gases and particles are given off when cooking, ensure the kitchen is properly ventilated when cooking and keep children away if you smell smoke.
2. Cars are not safe havens
Harmful gases from exhausts pass straight through car air filters and accumulate in car cabins making it more harmful to be inside a car than on the street! Always set your air to recirculate when in tunnels or traffic to avoid the worst exposure.
3. Active transport is safer
If you live in London, plan your routes using online pollution maps for your area. Walking has many health benefits, including being able to avoid pollution on busy roads which is proven to reduce exposure by 30-60%.